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Reflection of the industry panel

As an offshore international student, I failed to participate in this offline activity, but I emailed experts in these industries to ask questions I wanted to know. So I sent emails to Jason Perelson and Lauren Phillips and asked them questions about their industry.

In their reply to me, they showed their profound expertise and perspective on the issues as experts in the industry and their analysis of the current international form.

when analyzing the impact of the epidemic on the industry , it is said that this epidemic will not change entirely for the industry, but there are different ways of thinking about it and approaching the same problems. And this can be reflecting in hiring a less “traditional” type of creative. I’d love to see the industry not chase portfolios and awards so much as diversity of thought, and experience and culture. To build teams of interesting people, who are driven to a common goal, but looking to neurodiversity is a way of seeing the world from a different perspective and tackling creative problems in different ways. And give an example of how to work:The team does not have to stay in the office all the time and work together in the same way. I don't think this will completely change the industry, but there are different ways to think about it and deal with the same problem.

I asked these questions:(1)The 5G technology is developing rapidly, do you think 5G will  bring great influence to our industry ?

(2)Covid-19 changed people's life habits, what advantages or disadvantages do you think it brings to our industry?

(3)Under the influence of the current epidemic, what changes need to be made in our industry?

(4)I am not good at drawing, is it have huge impact in my future study or career? Should I study drawing?

Since I cannot not attend panel discussion. I'm glad they let me participate in this offline event in a special way, and the advice they gave me in the email is useful. For example, I asked two experts if I could study advertising, and even if I couldn't draw, their responses prompted me:They think the industry needs more than artists, and they believe that even as a graphic designer, painting is not an absolute skill to master, and more importantly, a pair of eyes to find ideas. Because in this industry can become more than a designer.T“Aim for what you love doing, and feel you want to do – get good at that, and learn and grow.” this was said by Mr . Jason and inspired me greatly.

I think the four questions I mentioned, two experts have given me a good answer in the email, I think more problems I need to solve them in future. Because I think it's important not only to learn from other people's experience, but also to experience myself. Thanks to the two experts for answering these questions and for their professional and unique answers

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